
The SpaceMaster Armory

Last Update: July 1999

The Glibber-Gun

The Glibber-Gun (GG) is of ancient origin, made by race now long ago dead. Imperial scientist have not got any clue how this weapon works. It is of strange design and, like a great, hollow cylinder in which a humanoid hand can fit. Once release it fires a greenish iridescent plasma which, upon impact, turns the target (must consist of living matter) into wobbly jelly with woodruff flavouring. A chemical analyses with confirm that the greenish mass is indeed wobbly jelly. The victims appearance is being preserved; really ghastly!

The Glibber-Gun

Optional Space Combat Rules

Neural Nanonics

Neural Nanonics are introduced in Peter F. Hamilton's The Reality Dysfunction, 950 pages of some the best Space Opera Science Fiction I have ever read! There is no way I can truly represent what Neural Nanonics are capable of here. If you are interested in much more detailed information, you should read the book (it comes in two parts by the way)

Neural Nanonics (NN) are super-enhanced versions of the MMDs introduced in SpaceMaster Companion I with none of the side effects. Unlike MMDs which flow around in the bloodstream, NN are grown on the body's central nervous system (including brain). A person outfitted with NN has complete control over them via simple thought processes. Unlike normal electronic equipment, nothing will adversly affect NN that will not adversly affect normal nerve impulses because they are genetically engineered programmable nerves. They can however, still be damaged and/or destroyed. Think of it as a guardian angel with a supercomputer as a brain and a high-paid union technician who works for free ... and likes it. NN are not self aware.

Neural Nanotics store programs and give feedback to the user via a HUD. This HUD is fed directly to brain's vision center. Thus total blackout will not affect a NN system. Each program running on the NN takes up Memory Storage Units (MU) and Processing Units (PU) capabilites. As each NN only has so many PU and MU, only a limited number of programs can be stored and running. Located in italics is the name of the program required to get the benefit.

Neural Nanonics Specifications

Harmonic/Equilibrium Disruptor (HED)

20th level attack:
The Harmonic/Equilibrium Disruptor is a device (or set of devices) that build up harmonic vibrations within rigid structures causing a nerve disrupting tone to personnel within that structure.
The activation devices are small (0.05 to 0.1 Kg) plunger-like resonators that are attached to the outside of a building or structure (1 per 300 cumet volume). They can be activated by timer or remote. For every percent under the needed amount for the structure, the level of the attack is reduced by an equal amount. The level of the attack cannot be raised above 20th level. It takes 5 rounds to get up a tone of sufficient strength for the attack to be successful. Once a tone is established, it can only be maintained for 1 round because the tone is also detrimental to the plungers themselves.

 If the tone is not cancelled within 3 rounds after establishment, each plunger must make a RR vs 20th level or be destroyed. Each round the tone is maintained, each occupant in the structure will continue to make RR roles (whether conscious or not) and results applied as below. Note: As plungers begin to be destroyed, the level of the attack may be reduced.

Example: 10,000 ton warehouse = 30,000 cumets
100 resonators are required. Due to an accident during the last mission, only 85 are now available. (85 / 100) x 20 = 17th level attack against all personnel within the structure.

 If RR failed:
1 round of unconciousness for every 1% failed by, followed by a -75 penalty to all actions due to headache and ringing ears. This penalty will drop off one per round until completely gone. The represents damping of the residual resonance inside the victim's the head. Should the victim fail by more than 100, roll an "E" Impact Critical adding 20 to the result and converting all rounds to minutes (ie. Stunned 2 rounds becomes Stunned 2 minutes) and ignoring all "non-head" strikes.

 If RR saved:
At (% passed by - 75) due to headache and ringing ears. The penalty will drop off by one every round until the penalty is completely gone. This respresents damping of the residual resonance inside the victim's head.

 If a helmet is worn, the AT of the armor times 2 pertaining to the helmet is used as a bonus to the resistance roll (the helmet must be on and sealed at the time of the attack). Armor bonuses vs. Energy are not valid because this is NOT an energy attack. "This is a Physical attack by the atmosphere!"

Example: Vernon McJagger, 13th level Armsman and trusty side-kick of "Plasma" John Smith, is inside his house eating a sandwich and watching the Power Raking Finals on the 3V. Unbeknowest to him, that dirty dog of a foe, Wilford P. Crank, has attached 83 HED resonators along the outside of his house. These 83 resonators should generate a tone of sufficient strength to knock poor Vernon out. Using the table on page GP95 we see that Vernon must roll a 69 to stay conscious. He rolls a 74 and is indeed conscious but at ((74 - 69) - 75) = -70. If Vernon had had his AT20 on, he would have only been at -30. Poor Vernon.

A New Combat Attack Resolution System

If you are like me, you hate looking up the gazillions and gazillions of charts, cross references and the like to find out if you hit the beer bottle on the fence 50 feet away. Well, with this system (still in its infancy ... not even play tested yet) you can have the speed and realism similiar to the Silent Death system.

Weapon Attack Die

The first thing to throw out is the percentile rolls for damage and critical determination. What I have done is checked all the standard damage charts and generated a list of all the different type of weapons classes and ordered them by the amount of possible damage that can be done by these weapon classes. I then sat down and figured the average damage that can be done with the various dice available, such as d4, d6, d8, etc. I then assigned that value to the weapon classes in increasing order for Mk1. For each of the subsequent Mk#'s, I added one like die to the total. This will be called the Weapon Attack Die. Don't worry about the Damage Threshold Value just yet.
                         Weapon Attack Dice
                Mk1     Mk2     Mk3     Mk4     Mk5             Dam Thr

Sweeps                  2d4     3d4     4d4     5d4             L
Entangle        d6      2d6     3d6     4d6     5d6             L
Grenade         d8      2d8     3d8     4d8     5d8             L
Laser           2d4     3d4     4d4     5d4     6d4             H
Strikes                 3d4     4d4     5d4     6d4             M
Small Proj      d10     2d10    3d10    4d10    5d10            M
Flamer          d10     2d10    3d10    4d10    5d10            M
Stun/Disr       d12     2d12    3d12    4d12    5d12            H
Fall/Crush      2d6     3d6     4d6     5d6     6d6             H
Shotgun         2d8     3d8     4d8     5d8     6d8             H
Blaster         d20     2d20    3d20    4d20    5d20            H
Melee           2d10    3d10    4d10    5d10    6d10            H

Critical        A       B       C       D       E
Criical charts are broken up into 12 different sections by percentile. Simply roll a d12 and count down by the roll to the appropriate box. No more percentiles! See how easy it was?

 Now you may be asking, "How many hit points did I do?" Well, the answer to that is quite simple also. See the Damage Threshold Value (DTV) on the far right of the chart above? The 'H' means that the value on the highest die you rolled is the number of hit points of you did. "Only a maximum of 4 points on any hit?" you may asked. Well, no. If you had rolled, for instance, a 2 and two 4's then you would have done 8 points ... and got 2 crits for the two fours! However, if you had only rolled a 2 and two threes, then you would have done only six points and no crits. Trust me on this, it will balance out. If you check the Laser Attack chart in the Tech Book, you will see that the maximum amount of damage you can do with a Mk5 Laser is 25 against AT1. This works (I think). Likewise, an 'L' means the lowest die rolled is the damage and an 'M' means the medium die rolled (If only two values come up with a DTV of 'M' on an odd number of dice, then the lower dice are the Medium Value).

If there is ever a chance in a game that you can never do damage, no matter how lucky you can get, it is with the SpaceMaster rules. However, with this system, it is possible to do damage no matter what a foes DV is and no matter what weapon you have. If you max out on all of your Attack Dice, then you automatically hit taking the DTV as you would normally. The reverse is also true: if you roll the lowest possible with your Attack Dice then you automatically miss and ... I am still figuring out how to handle fumbles with the different weapons for this system.

Range Modifications

Range Mods are also quite simple to figure. See the chart below for modifications to the Attack Roll for range. Calculate ranges based on what is shown in the Tech Book.
Point Blank     +1
Short            0
Medium          -2
Long            -6

Base Defensive Value
The Base Defensive Value (BDV) for a character is his/her inherent ability to dodge, shrug off, or otherwise avoid getting hit. It is as follows on this chart.
Armor Type      BDV

    1           10
    2            9
    3           12
    4           13
    5           12
    6           13
    7           14
    8           15
    9           14
   10           15
   11           16
   12           17
   13           16
   14           17
   15           18
   16           19
   17           18
   18           19
   19           20
   20           21

As you can see, I have left in the inherent bad luck of the character in AT2.

The Total Defensive Value (DV) for a character is calculated as follows:

DV = (Base DV) + (Adjusted Qu Bonus / 5)

The Adjusted Quickness Bonus is what is left after donning armor. This DV is what a foe must get over on his Attack Roll. The only alteration to this chart is the Martial Arts Sweeps Attack. Reverse the numbers on this chart to take into the account the reason there are even two different forms of Martial Arts in the game.

 Skill Bonus

Now, on to the Skill Bonus and how they get used in this system. To calculate a character's Attack Bonus, one must first divide his total Skill Bonus with the weapon by 10. This Skill Bonus includes the usual stuff: stats, level bonuses, rank bonuses, etc. It does not include any weapon bonuses. Once it is divided by 10, round it off to the nearest whole integer. For example, your character has a 93 in Laser Pistol. After dividing you have 9.3. After rounding you have 9. If you had had a 95 or higher (up to 104) then you would have a 10. This is your Skill Bonus and is added to your Attack Die. From the Previous example, you would then have a 3d4 + 9 to get over the DV of 10. As you can see (and as you might expect), someone with no armor and no quickness mod being shot at with a Mk2 Laser Pistol stands a good chance of being shot.

Modern Master Weapons Chart

David F. M. Britten (Pendragon) has graciously donated the following Weapon Charts to the FELIX SpaceMaster Page. I have looked them over and found them to be quite complete and very useful for those of you who are running a modern SpaceMaster game. These charts would even come in handy with little or no modification in a far future scenario as well. You can either drop the Mk# down by one or decrease any bonuses that come with the weapon. This is a chart I wish I had had years ago when first playing. I can assure you it will definately end up in my homebrew rules folder.

You can reach Dave at

I have only made one modification to the charts. I have deleted the Assault Weapon Category and merged it with the Machinegun Category, because we all know that any weapon can be used as an assault weapon. All you have to do is assault someone with it. Besides, I hate furthering the cause of the liberal media. :)

Thanks Dave.


Name             Rate   F   Range       Mods             Ammo    Table
Beretta 84F      2      04  2 15 30 80  +15 0  -30 -90   13/8    Sml Proj 2
Browning HP      2      04  2 15 30 80  +15 0  -30 -90   13      Sml Proj 2
Calico 950       2burst 04  3 20 40 90  +20 0  -30 -90   50/100  Sml Proj 2
Colt Agent       2      03  1 10 25 50  +10 0  -30 -90    6      Sml Proj 1
Colt Delta Elite 2      04  2 15 30 80  +15 0  -30 -90    7      Sml Proj 2
Colt Double Eag. 2      04  2 15 30 80  +15 0  -30 -90    8      Sml Proj 2
Colt M1911A1     2      04  2 15 30 80  +15 0  -30 -90    8      Sml Proj 2
Colt Python      2      03  3 15 30 80  +20 0  -30 -90    6      Sml Proj 3
Colt 2000        2      03  2 15 30 90  +15 +5 -30 -90   15      Sml Proj 2
Glock 17         2      04  3 15 30 90  +20 +5 -30 -90   17      Sml Proj 2
Glock 19         2      04  2 15 30 90  +15 0  -30 -90   15      Sml Proj 2
Glock 20         2      04  3 20 35 100 +15 0  -30 -90   15      Sml Proj 2
Makarov PM       2      05  2 15 30 90  +10 -5 -30 -90    8      Sml Proj 2
PSM              2      05  1 10 25 50  +10 -5 -35 -100   8      Sml Proj 1
P6               2      04  2 15 30 80  +15 -5 -35 -90    8      Sml Proj 2
Tokarev TT-33    2      05  2 15 30 80  +15 0  -30 -90    8      Sml Proj 2
S & W 1006       2      04  2 15 30 80  +15 0  -30 -90    9      Sml Proj 2
S & W 3913       2      04  2 15 30 80  +15 0  -30 -90    8      Sml Proj 2
S & W 4006       2      04  2 15 30 80  +15 0  -30 -90   11      Sml Proj 2
S & W 5903       2      04  2 15 30 80  +15 0  -30 -90   14      Sml Proj 2
S & W model 10   2      03  1 10 25 40  +15 0  -30 -90    6      Sml Proj 1
S & W model 19   2      03  2 15 30 90  +15 0  -30 -90    6      Sml Proj 3
S & W model 29   2      03  3 20 40 100 +20 +5 -30 -90    6      Sml Proj 3
Walther PPK      2      04  1 10 25 40  +15 0  -30 -90    7      Sml Proj 1
Name             Rate   F   Range       Mods             Ammo    Table
CZ Skorpion      2burst 05  1 15 30 80  +15  0 -30 -90    10      Sml Proj 2
Colt 9mm         2burst 04  2 15 30 80  +20  0 -30 -90    20      Sml Proj 3
H&K MP5          2burst 04  2 15 30 80  +20  0 -30 -90    30      Sml Proj 2
H&K MP2000       2burst 03  3 15 30 80  +20 +5 -30 -90    30      Sml Proj 2
IMI micro-uzi    2burst 05  1 10 25 50  +15  0 -30 -90    20      Sml Proj 2
IMI mini-uzi     2burst 04  2 15 30 60  +15  0 -30 -90    20      Sml Proj 2
IMI uzi          2burst 03  2 15 30 80  +20  0 -30 -90    20      Sml Proj 3
Ingram M10       2burst 04  2 15 30 80  +15  0 -30 -90    32      Sml Proj 2
Ingram M11       2burst 04  2 15 30 60  +15  0 -30 -90    16      Sml Proj 2
AKSU-74          2burst 04  1 15 30 80  +10 -5 -30 -90    30      Sml Proj 4
Sterling L2A3    2burst 04  2 15 30 80  +15  0 -30 -90    34      Sml Proj 2
AUG 9mm Para     2burst 03  2 15 30 80  +15 +5 -30 -90    32      Sml Proj 3
Name             Rate    F   Range        Mods              Ammo             Table
M16A2            2burst  04  3 40 120 400 +15  0  -30  -90  30               Sml Proj 4
RSAF L85A1       2burst  05  3 40 120 400 +20 +5  -30  -90  30               Sml Proj 4
RSA AK-47        2burst  03  3 40 120 400 +20  0  -35  -100 30               Sml Proj 4
Steyr AUG        2burst  03  3 40 120 400 +20  0  -30  -90  30               Sml Proj 4
M16A2 LMG        2burst  04  3 50 200 450 +15  0  -30  -90  30               Sml Proj 4
RSAF L86A1       2burst  05  3 50 300 700 +20  0  -30  -90  30               Sml Proj 5
RSA PKM          2burst  05  3 50 300 700 +15  0  -30  -90  continuous b     Sml Proj 5
SACO M60E1       2burst  05  3 50 300 700 +15  0  -30  -90  Disintegrating b Sml Proj 5
Name             Rate    F   Range        Mods              Ammo  Table
Druganov SVD     2       03  4 50 200 450 0  + 5 -30 -90    10    Sml Proj 4
Springfield M21  2       03  4 50 300 700 0  +10 -30 -90    20    Sml Proj 4
WA-2000          2       03  4 50 300 700 0  +15 -30 -90     6    Sml Proj 4

Name             Rate    F   Range        Mods               Ammo  Table
Jackhammer      2burst   04  3 20 40 60   +25  +5  -30  -90  10    Shotgun
Remmington 870  2        02  3 20 40 60   +20   0  -30  -90   7    Shotgun
870 sawed-off   2        02  3 15 25 50   +25  -5  -30  -90   7    Shotgun
1300 Defender   2        02  3 20 35 50   +20   0  -30  -90   7    Shotgun
1300 sawed-off  2        02  3 15 25 40   +20   0  -30  -90   7    Shotgun
This list of weapons are for use with a modern day genre of space master. They are scaled to do more damage than would be if the weapons were used in a deep future genre. This is because the repairable damage cause by firearm attacks is much less today.

Fallen Empire Master Weapons Chart

Name             Rate    F   Range         Mods           Table
mini maser       2       03  1  5  10   15 +15 0 -30 -90  disrupt 1
maser pistol     2       03  3 20  40  120 +15 0 -30 -90  disrupt 2
assault maser    2/burst 03  3 25  70  150 +15 0 -30 -90  disrupt 3
maser rifle      2/burst 03  3 30  90  150 +15 0 -30 -90  disrupt 4
heavy maser      2/burst 03  3 80 400 1000 +15 0 -30 -90  disrupt 5

1. Masers are microwaves amplified through stimulated emission of radiation.

2. These weapons have an other effect. If a maser is fired at a electronic device, the device must make a -50 RR or be destroyed ( This does affect Androids).

Located here are some links to a few other sites I have dug up on the internet. The last couple of months, the content of this page has been getting fairly stale. So I thought I might spruce it up some. These sites contain statistics and pricing for modern day armor and other theifly type things. This list is duplicated on the Equipment Page.

Spy Store International


The "Schrapnellgewehr"

The Schrapnellgewehr is likewise called the GNA (gravity nonlinear accelerator or "gna - the last thing your'll enemy will say!"). This is an assault weapon which accelerates in an elliptical gravitational field small discs. This discs are made out of ceramic. This discs are brought to a high speed and to very fast rotation. This makes the GNA a devasting weapons. Only a society which is capable of controlling (like the Drakarians) gravity can build this kind of weapon. They schould be scarcely available (if at all) in the Imperium. This weapon is only available as an assault carabiner.

Now the stats:

Weapon type: 2H projectile
Fire rate: 2 bursts/rnd
Fumble: 6
Range 10 50 200 400
Range modifier +15 0 -45 -100
Maximum result Mk. 5 Mk. 5 Mk. 4 Mk. 4
Burst 8/14

This weapon doas double damage. It is also possible to use different types of ammunition:

Normal:                        no changes
Aluminium:                +10 (AT 1-4), -20 else
Tungstencarbid:        +5 (AT AT 1-8), +10 AT(9-20)

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